Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Such a great shoot! { La Jolla Family Photographer }

I had the privilege of spending the evening with a great family. They were a fellow Navy family, but Mr. B is stationed overseas. He was home on leave, and getting ready to go back to his duty station, so we got together to do their family pictures before his departure. Grandma was visiting from Montana and she was a great addition to the shoot as well. I loved capturing her running down the beach with her granddaughter.

The "B" family were all so much fun. Mr. B was hilarious, and his little boy was just as silly. It made for a very exciting shoot. Being knee deep in freezing cold water was ohhhhhhh so lovely......but I got the shot!!! :)

I really enjoyed my time at the beach with this family. Watching the love that this father had for his wife and children was beautiful. I left with a warm fuzzy feeling and sent Mrs. B a message to thank her for letting me spend some time with them. Her reply brought tears to my eyes. She said "......It felt good to leave his pending departure behind us and just laugh. Thank you for giving us that moment." That made my week. Thank you again "B" Family. God Bless you this holiday season. You will be in my thoughts.

Here are a few sneak peeks for you guys!






Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jake & Jessica's Wedding {San Diego Wedding Photographer}

I had the honor of being a second shooter today at a beautiful ceremony. This couple was so sweet, and the bride was BREATHTAKING! Thank you to the Photographer and this family for letting me be part of this day. Jessica was amazing, so incredibly patient after everything that could go wrong did. I was so impressed with the way she held herself together and made the day awesome despite it all.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Visiting High School Senior {La Jolla Senior Portraits}

Preston was in town visiting family and I was contacted to do his Senior Portraits. He is from a small town in Indiana, and said that everyone else always does the same thing.......corn fields. He wanted something very different for his. So we chose La Jolla and had so much fun!





Monday, July 20, 2009

Brooke and Ryan {Oceanside Photographer}

I had fun this evening taking pictures of a couple that booked me to shoot their wedding in October. Brooke and Ryan are a sweet couple and I look forward to being part of their special day!






Saturday, July 11, 2009

Awesome Senior Portrait Shoot {Portland Senior Portrait Photographer}

Recently my family and I took a road trip to Oregon and Washington to visit our loved ones. I had the honor of being able to do an awesome shoot with my cousin Arian and her boyfriend and good friend. We hopped in the car and found a great location in downtown Portland and we had SO MUCH FUN!!!







Thursday, June 25, 2009

Newborn Zebbediah {San Diego Newborn Photographer}

I was invited back into the home of the "P" family to do pictures of Baby Zebb. He is such a gorgeous baby boy. I love this family and I have really enjoyed getting to know them.






Thursday, June 4, 2009

Another beautiful birth! {San Diego Labor & Birth Photographer}

I had the honor today of being present when baby "Z" made his entrance in the world. I wish that I could do births and weddings every day of the week!!! I love it. Being able to capture amazing once in a lifetime moments like that. :) I am blessed to be asked by these great people to be part of their lives, even for just a few hours.



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Amazing experience! {San Diego Wedding Photographer}

Last weekend I had the privledge of being part of an amazing day. Barbara and Tony celebrated 10 years of marriage with a vow renewal ceremony. They are such an awesome couple, and part of a beautiful family including their own five children. Barbara is currently fighting brain cancer and the story of their last years took my breath away when she told it to me. I felt completly honored to be let into this extroidanary event. The love I witnessed between the two of them, and their family and friends still gives me chills. As I continue to edit the pictures I send up my thoughts and prayers to them as they continue their lives together. Thank you again for allowing me to be part of your day.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Toddler gave me a run for my money! {Oceanside Children's Photographer}

Today I spent the morning with Tami and her little boy. This session was a suprise for his deployed daddy for Father's Day,He was adorable, and SUPER active! I finally had to kick my shoes off and chase him around......it was fun!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two sweet kiddos! {San Diego Children's Photographer}

I did family pictures the other day for "J" and "K". Their children were so beautiful I asked their mom to bring them into the studio so I could get a few more shots. Little "A" is such a little charmer. He was very excited to be getting his pictures done again. And baby "E", what can I say, she is gorgeous! I am so glad I was able to spend a little time with them today.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthday Girl! {Oceanside Children's Photographer}

I was so excited when my friend Melissa asked me to take pictures of her daughter. Mya is BEAUTIFUL and Melissa is super talented. I knew that her outfit would be adorable (mommy made it), so I was excited to shoot her at the beach. Melissa is using the first picture in Mya's party invites! I am very happy with the way they all came out! Thanks Melissa for trusting me to take these pictures of your Princess.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little Babies Everywhere! {San Diego Newborn Photographer}

I had the oppurtunity to spend some time with two handsome little ones this past week. I had read other photographers say that newborns are tough, and I found out for myself ITS TRUE!!! Everyone loves pictures of naked sleeping newborns, but these boys wanted to be awake and explore the world. It was nice to be able to get both awake and asleep pictures though. Here are the results.......